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Road Attendance Summary

Regular Season Only
NLL went to a 18 game schedule (9 Home 9 Away) in 2014

See Previous Years Home and Road Attendance

All-Time by Year

Year Games Total Average Median Max Min Record
2005 8 70,754 8,844 8,545 17,229 4,967 3-5
2006 8 86,344 10,793 10,799 15,830 5,487 5-3
2007 8 80,496 10,062 10,499 15,469 6,101 5-3
2008 8 74,049 9,256 10,014 14,446 3,895 4-4
2009 8 91,156 11,395 10,360 18,690 5,618 4-4
2010 8 79,667 9,958 10,140 15,636 3,526 2-6
2011 8 75,470 9,434 8,761 15,001 3,362 3-5
2012 8 63,616 7,952 6,815 15,003 3,618 3-5
2013 8 83,853 10,482 9,563 17,622 2,663 2-6
2014 9 79,973 8,885 7,808 15,330 5,031 2-7
2015 9 74,615 8,291 7,415 14,601 3,259 3-6
Total 90 857,595 9,529 9,372 18,690 2,663 36-54

All-Time By Swarm at Opponent

Opponent Games Total Average Median Max Min Record
Anaheim 1 4,967 4,967 4,967 4,967 4,967 1-0
Arizona 1 6,448 6,448 6,448 6,448 6,448 0-1
Boston 1 10,032 10,032 10.032 10.032 10,032 0-1
Buffalo 14 192,134 13,724 14,524 18,690 9,116 2-12
Calgary 9 88,541 9,838 10,486 11,462 7,638 3-6
Chicago 3 16,151 5,384 6,014 6,101 4,036 2-1
Colorado 9 136,934 15,215 15,427 17,622 13,045 4-5
Edmonton 6 41,698 6,950 6,664 8,745 6,011 3-3
New England 2 8,577 4,289 4,289 5,014 3,563 2-0
New York 1 7,026 7,026 7,026 7,026 7,026 1-0
Philadelphia 11 102,140 9,285 10,248 11,874 5,164 6-5
Portland 3 18.889 6,296 6,281 7,121 5,487 3-0
Rochester 10 75,912 7,591 7,471 10,352 4,940 2-8
San Jose 3 14,572 4,857 5,059 5,618 3,895 2-1
Toronto 8 103,548 12,944 13,321 17,229 8,668 3-5
Vancouver 2 8,290 4,145 4,145 5,031 3,259 0-2
Washington 6 21,736 3,623 3,572 4,864 2,663 2-4

All-Time by Day

Day Games Total Average Median Max Min Record
Friday 27 256,242 9,490 10,090 15,830 3,362 14-13
Saturday 54 524,343 9,710 9,611 18,690 3,259 19-35
Sunday 9 77,010 8,557 6,681 15,825 2,663 3-6

All-Time by Month

Month Games Total Average Median Max Min Record
December 1 6,238 6,238 6,238 6,238 6,238 0-1
January 21 208,687 9,937 10,504 17,229 3,362 11-10
February 27 255,138 9,450 8,745 18,690 3,259 12-15
March 26 253,379 9,745 10,204 15,830 2,663 7-19
April 15 134,153 8,944 8,070 17,622 4,864 6-9

Top Five Road Games in Attendance

Opponent Date Day Attendance Swarm Opponent OT
Buffalo 02/28/09 Friday 18,690 16 15  
Colorado 04/13/13 Saturday 17,622 17 12  
Toronto 01/15/05 Saturday 17,229 15 19  
Colorado 02/02/13 Saturday 16,231 9 15  
Toronto 03/03/06 Friday 15,830 8 13